Without a doubt, I could surely count on my little brother coming along and taking great pleasure to stomp all over my hard work. I’d pitch a fit and my mom would always tell me to start over and build an even better sandcastle the next time.
When my website was hacked and ruined with malware, my mom told me the same thing. Just start over and the next one would be even better. The same feelings crept up. But I liked my old one. I worked so hard on it. It sucked to lose 10 years of blog entries.
But here I am.
Rebuilding my sandcastle.
Digging through my archives until I’m allowed to safely shoot again.
Meet baby Jacob. Ahh, he was a precious newborn. It was so nice to welcome his family back to the studio. I remember feeling so relaxed during this session.
I love all his eyes open images, don’t you?